Code of Ethics BK

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Code of ethics is a pattern of rules / rules / ordinances that serve 
as guidelines to live the duties and activities of a profession.
In addition to the formulation of guidance and counseling ethic 
code formulated by the bonds of Indonesian guidance counselors, namely:
1.  The coach honors the client's worth.
2. The coach places the client's interests above personal interest.
3. The coach does not distinguish the client.
4.  The counselor can control himself, in the sense of his shortcomings and prejudices.
5. The coach has a modest and patient humble nature.
6. The coach is open to advice given to the client.
7. The coach has the nature of responsibility to the institution or person being served.
8. The coach seeks the quality of his work as possible.
9. The supervisor knows a sufficient basic knowledge of the person's behavior, as well as guidance counseling techniques and procedures to provide the best possible service.
10. All records about clients are confidential.
11. A test should only be given to authorized officers using and interpreting the results.
Some codes of ethics guidance and counseling are as follows:
1.      A counselor who holds office must uphold the principles of guidance 
and counseling.
2.      The supervisor should make every effort to achieve the best results.
3.      The mentor's job must have to be related to one's personal life 
then a counselor should :
a.       Can keep client secrets.
b.      Show the same appreciation to various clients.
c.       Counselors are not allowed to use unskilled helpers.
d.      Show respect to clients.
Ask for expert help beyond the ability of staff.


1.     The Position Of Counseling Guidance In School

a. The Position Of BK Formally
              Formally the position of guidance and counseling
 is in the Education System in Indonesia, among others:
         1. Law no. 2 of 1989 Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph 
1 stating that:"Education is a conscious effort to prepare 
learners through guidance and or training for their 
future role"
         2. PP. 28 for SD and PP no. 29 for SMP and SMA 1990 
Chapter X Article 25 paragraph 1 which states:"Guidance is the
 help of learners to understand themselves, know 
the environment and plan for the future"
"The guidance is carried out by the mentor teacher"
         3. Law no. 20 of 2003 Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph 6
"Educators are qualified personnel as teachers, lecturers, 
and counselors, widyaiswara, pamong learners, facilitators 
and other designations in accordance with the specificity
 and participate in conducting education"

           From the explanation above, it is clear that guidance and
 counseling is not just a patch. Counseling 
and guidance services have important and strategic position 
and role. Guidance and counseling play a role to provide 
services to students in order to develop optimally through the
 learning process effectively.
       In order to assist students in the learning process, 
the approach used is a personal approach that can help the overall
 learning process. In this regard the counselors are expected to:

1. Know and understand each student either individually or group, 
2. Provide the necessary information in the learning process,
 3. Provide adequate opportunities for each student to 
learn according to his personal characteristics, 
4. Helping each student in the face of personal problems he faces, 
5. Assess the success of each step of the activity that has been done.
b. BK Position in Formal Education Setting
    The BK service mapping as shown in the figure above illustrates
 the alignment of the BK service positions with independent education
 management services and learning services framed by the special
 curriculum of the school 
system as an institutional form in the formal education path. 
The area of ​​counseling and counseling that is the responsibility of the counselor.
     Counseling and guidance services can make a significant 
contribution to teaching. For example, students can 
achieve optimal learning achievement when free of problems 
that can disrupt the learning process. The release of the problem can be done
 through counseling and guidance services. Guidance and counseling
 service materials can be utilized by the teacher to adapt the teaching to
 student individuality.
     Counseling and guidance services also contribute to management
 and supervision. For example, relating to the preparation of curriculum, 
the development of learning programs, making the right 
learning in order to create a school climate that really support 
for the needs and development of students.
      Similarly, the fields of teaching, management, and supervision 
make a great contribution to guidance and counseling services. If all three run well,
 it will prevent the occurrence of problems in students as well 
as a vehicle for the eradication of student problems.
2.     Type Of Counseling Guidance In School
A.   Educational Guidance
       In this case the assistance that can be given to the child
 in the guidance of education in the form of educational information, 
effective way of learning, selection of majors, advanced school, 
overcoming learning problems, floating ability and ability in the
 optimal education or helping students
 to succeed preformance and able adjust to all school demands.
B.     Work Guidance
     Job guidance is the first guidance activity, started by Frank 
Parson in 1908 in Boston, USA. The manpower ministry in this
 country has been spearheading job guidance for young people 
so that they have the provision to go into society.
     Job guidance has entered school and every student in 
the first and second tuition schools receives career guidance. 
The concept of Parson is very simple, that is simply 
to compare and combine the results of individual analysis 
and the results of the analysis of the world of work
C.     Personal Guidance
     Personal guidance is the rock given to the student to embrace
 his personal life, such as motivation, self-perception,
 lifestyle, the development of moral / religious and social 
values ​​in himself, the ability to understand and accept others,
 and help him to solve personal 
problems that he met. The accuracy of this guidance is more
 focused on personal development, which helps students 
as self to learn to know himself, 
learn to accept himself, and learn to apply himself in the 
process of productive adjustments to the environment.
3.     The Scope Of Counseling Guidance
·         Counseling and Counseling Workspaces are prepared
 to work to support the productivity of BK teachers / counselors. 
For that, the required facilities include: 
a computer equipped with various software Guidance and 
Counseling (would be better if equipped with internet facilities)
 and work desk counselors, cabinets and so forth.
·         Administration / data space needs to be equipped with facilities
 in the form of document storage cabinet (private book, counseling note, etc.) 
or softcopy, In this case must secure the security and confidentiality of stored data.
·         Individual counseling room is a comfortable and safe place 
for interaction between counselor and counselee. This room is equipped with 
a set of desk or sofa chair, a place to store magazines, 
which can serve as biblio therapy.
·         Group Guidance and Counseling Group is a safe and 
comfortable place for group dynamics in the interaction
 between counselor with counselee and counselee with counselee. 
This room is equipped with equipment such as: a number 
of chairs, carpets, tape recorders, VCD and television.
·         Biblio Room Therapy in principle can be a place for counselees
 in receiving various information, whether information pertaining to personal,
 social, academic and career in the future. This room is equipped 
with bookstore (catalog), bookcase, reading room, visitor list book,
 and if possible provided internet.
·         A clean, healthy, comfortable and safe relaxation / desensitization
 / securitization room, equipped with carpet, television, VCD / DVD,
 bed rest and pillows.
·         The living room should contain chairs and guest tables,
guest books, wall clocks, writing or pictures that can motivate 
he counselee to grow.
4.     Type Of Counseling Guidance Services

a. Orientation service
Orientation services are services that enable learners to
 understand new environments, especially school environments
 and learned objects, to facilitate and facilitate the role of
 learners in the new environment, at least twice a year at
 the beginning of each semester. The purpose of orientation
 services is that learners can adapt and adapt to the new 
environment appropriately and adequately, which serves for
 prevention and understanding
b. Information Services
Information services are services that enable learners to receive
 and understand information (eg self-information, social, learning,
 social, career, further education).The purpose of information
 services is to help learners to make informed decisions 
about something, in the personal, social, learning and career 
areas based on the information they get. Information services also 
serve for prevention and understanding.
c. Learning Services
Learning service is a service that allows learners to develop 
good attitude and study habits in mastering the subject 
of learning or mastery of competence that match with the 
speed and ability of himself and various aspects of 
objectives and other learning activities, with the aim 
that learners can develop good attitude and good learning 
. The learning service works for development.
d.Placement and Distribution Services 
Placement and delivery services are services that enable learners
 to gain placement and channeling within the class, study group, 
study program, training program, internship, co-extracurricular 
activities according to their potential, talents, interests and personal 
conditions, students can develop all talents, interests and 
all other potential. Placement and delivery services work 
for development.
e. Content Mastery Service 
Content mastery services are services that help learners to master
 certain content, especially competencies and or habits that are 
useful in life at school, family, and society. The purpose of the 
content service is for students to comprehensively integrate 
the aspects of the content (capability or mileage) of tenu.
f.  Individual Counseling Services
 Individual counseling services is a service that allows learners 
to get direct face-to-face services (individually) with mentors 
to discuss and address problems and developments themselves.
 The purpose of individual counseling services is so that 
learners can alleviate the problems it faces. Individual 
counseling services work for poverty alleviation and advocacy.
g. Group Guidance Services 
The group counseling service is a service that enables a number
 of learners together through group dynamics to acquire materials
 and discuss specific topics to support understanding and 
development of social skills, both as individuals and as 
learners, learning activities, career / occupation, and for 
decision-making or specific actions through group dynamics.
 Group guidance services function for understanding and development. 
Group guidance services should be led by group leaders. 
Group leaders are trained and authorized counselors to conduct
 counseling guidance services.
h. Group Counseling Services
Group counseling services are a service that allows learners 
(each group member) to have opportunities for discussion and eradication 
of personal problems through group dynamics. The issues discussed
 are personal matters experienced by each group member. Group counseling 
services work for poverty alleviation and advocacy.
i.   Consulting Services 
Consultation Services is a service that helps learners and / or
 other parties to gain insight, understanding, and ways that need to be 
implemented in handling the condition and or problem of learners.
 The definition of consultation in the BK program is as a process
 of providing technical assistance to counselors, parents, 
administrators and other counselors in identifying and correcting problems
 that limit the effectiveness of learners or counseling or 
psychotherapy schools because consultation is not a direct service to clients 
but indirectly serving clients through the help provided by others.
j.   Mediation Services
Mediation services are services that help learners solve problems 
or disputes and improve relationships among learners with counselors as mediators

Understanding Of Guidance And Counseling


Definition Of Guidance And Counseling

Guidance, in this sense, is a pervasive activity in which many persons and organizations take part. It is afforded to individuals by their parents, relatives, and friends and by the community at large through various educational, industrial, social, religious, and political agencies and, particularly, through the press and broadcasting services. A part of such guidance may be the giving of information that enables others to increase the scope of their exploratory behaviour. The guidance counselor, for example, may provide information about a person’s own abilities and interests as determined by psychological tests or about educational opportunities and the requirements of various occupations. The competent counselor does not attempt to solve people’s problems for them, however; the counselor tries instead to clarify the person’s own thinking.

Professional counselors and counseling psychologists are commonly found in institutional settings such as high schools and colleges, private industry, community agencies, prisons, and the military, as well as in private practice. They are often called on to help individuals deal with the grief of unexpected tragedies.


Background Guidance And Counseling
A. The background of the need for guidance and counseling Background factors arise and need guidance and counseling:
1. Historical background
The history of developing one's potential can be traced to ancient Greek society. They emphasize the efforts to develop and strengthen individuals through education, so that they can fill their roles in the community. They believe that in individuals there are forces that can be stimulated and guided towards objectives that are useful, beneficial or beneficial to both themselves and society. The famous counselor in ancient Greece was Plato, for he had paid so much attention to individual psychological understanding, such as concerning aspects of moral issues, education, relationships in society, and theology. He also paid attention to the problems:
a)      . How to build a good human person through formal care or education.
b)      . How to make children think more effectively.
c)      . What technique has succeeded in influencing people in their ability to make decisions and develop their beliefs.
Other counselors include Aristotle (Plato's disciple), Hippocrates and other doctors concerned with the field of psychology.
2. Philosophical background
The philosophical or philosophical word in Arabic is derived from the Greek word meaning philosophy (philosophia). Philosophy means love of wisdom or wisdom or wants to understand things profoundly. John J. Pietrofesa expressed James Cribin's view of philosophical principles in guidance:
a)      Guidance should be based on recognition of the individual's honor and dignity and for his / her rights to get help.
b)      Guidance is a continuous process of education meaning guidance is an intergal part of education.
c)      Guidance must respect the rights of any client who asks for help or service.
d)     Guidance is not the prerogative of a special group of mental health professionals. The guidance is carried out through cooperation, and each works on the basis of his or her own competence or competence.
e)      The focus of guidance is to help the individual realize his or her potential.
f)       Guidance is an element of education that is individualism, personalization and socialization.
Philosophical thinking and understanding become useful tools for counseling and counseling in general, and for counselors in particular to assist counselors in understanding counseling situations and in making informed decisions.

3. Socio-cultural background

Socio-cultural factors that give rise to the need for guidance:

a)      Change of family constellation

Related to dysfunctional family problems, Stephen R. Covey argues about 30 years ago there was a very strong and dramatic family situation change like the following events:

1)Unauthorized child birth rate increased to 400%.
2)The percentage of single parent has doubled.
3)The number of divorces that have occurred has doubled, the marriage ended in divorce.
4)Suicidal events among adolescents increased by about 300%.
5)The scholastic talent scores of students dropped about 73 points
6)The number one problem of American women today is violence (rape).
7)A quarter of teenagers who have sex have been exposed to venereal disease before graduating high school.
b ). Educational development
The widespread direction appears in the division of schools in various specialist and vocational schools. This raises the need for guidance to choose a specific department and choose the right field of study for each student. The inward direction is evident in the development of scope and diversity coupled with the growth of complexity in each field of study. This creates problems for students to study each field diligently. The development in this direction is also related to the ability and attitudes and interests of students to a particular field of study. This all results in the fact that every student needs individual and special attention. In this case also felt the need for guidance in school.
c). Working world
 In the world of work guidance and counseling is needed because there are various changes including the following:
a.       Increased need for unskilled workers.
b.      Increased need for professional workers with technical skills.
c.       The development of various types of work as a result of the application of advanced technology.
d.      The development of industry in various regions.
e.       New types of work require new ways of ministry.
f.       Increasing number of young workers in the workplace.
d). The metropolitan development
The adverse social impacts of urban growth in the 21st century, especially in developing cities are as follows:
a.       Urbanization is done with the motivation to pit fate.
b.      Unemployment problem.
c.       Number of workers who do not meet the needs of employment in the city.
d.      Number of illegal settlements established.
e.       Limited water facilities compared to the large number of population needs.
f.       The worsening of the environment leads to increased child mortality.
e). The development of communication
     f ). Sexism and racism
Sexism is the idea of ​​favoring one sex of the other sex. While racism is the idea that 
favor one race of the other race.
    g ). Mental health
    h ). Technological development
Two important issues arise that lead to the complexity of the structure and state of society:
a.       Replacement of most of the workforce with electronic-mechanical tools.
b.      Increasing types of jobs and new positions that require special skills and education.
i ). Moral and religious conditions
j ). Socioeconomic conditions. 
4. Religious background
The religious basis of guidance and counseling basically wants to 
establish the client as God's creature with all its glory to be the 
central focus of counseling and guidance. This discussion of religious
 foundations, related to the effort to integrate religious values ​​in the process 
of guidance and counseling. Guidance and counseling approach that integrated in 
the dimension of religion, was very liked by the American society today. 
The necessity of integrating religious values ​​in counseling, 
Marsha Wiggin Frame suggests that religion deserves a place in counseling 
or psychotherapy practices, based on the following reasons:
a)                            The majority of Americans believe in God and they are active in many worship services.
b)                           There is overlap in values ​​and goals between counseling and religion, as it concerns helping individuals manage their life's difficulties.
c)                            Much empirical evidence suggests that religious beliefs have contributed positively to mental health.
d)                           Religion is duly integrated into counseling in an attempt to change the mindset that developed at the end of the 20th chapter.
e)                            A serious need to consider the context and background of the client's culture, implies that the counselor should pay close attention to the role of religion in culture.
5. Psychological background
Learners as individuals who are dynamic and are in the process of development, have the needs and dynamics in the interaction with the environment. In addition, learners always experience a variety of changes in attitude and behavior. The process of development does not always take place in a linear manner (in accordance with expected direction or upheld norms), but is fluctuating and even stagnant or developmental discontinuity.

Function Guidance And Counseling 
A. Function Guidance and Counseling are:
1.Understanding functions, 
namely the function of guidance and counseling helps the counselee to have 
an understanding of himself (potential) and the environment 
(education, work, and religious norms). Based on this understanding,
 the counselee is expected to develop his potential optimally, 
and adapt himself to the environment dynamically and constructively.
2.Preventive function, 
which is the function associated with the counselor's effort to always anticipate
 various problems that may occur and try to prevent it, so as not experienced
by the counselee. Through this function, the counselor provides guidance to
 the counselee about how to avoid self-destructive actions or activities. 
The techniques that can be used are service orientation, information, and group guidance. 
Some problems that need to be informed to the counselee in order
to prevent the occurrence of unexpected behavior, including: the danger of alcoholism, 
smoking, drug abuse, drop out, and promiscuity (free sex)
3.Development Function, 
namely the function of guidance and counseling that is more proactive than other functions.
 The counselor strives to create a conducive learning environment that facilitates
 the development of the counselee. Counselors and other School / Madrasah
 personnel in synergy as teamwork collaborate or work together to plan and implement
 a systematic and continuous guidance program in an effort to help the counselee achieve
 their development tasks. Guidance techniques that can be used here are information services,
 tutorials, group discussions or brainstorming (brain storming), home room, and field trip.
4.Function of healing, 
which is the function of guidance and counseling that is curative. 
This function is closely related to efforts to provide assistance to counselees who
 have experienced problems, whether involving aspects of personal, social, learning, and career. 
The technique that can be use is counseling, and remedial theaching.
5.Distribution function, 
which is the function of guidance and counseling in helping counselee choose extracurricular
 activities, majors or study program, and strengthen career or occupation positions that match 
with interests, talents, expertise and other personality traits. In carrying out this function,
 counselors need to work with other educators inside and outside educational institutions.
6. The Adaptation Function, 
which is the function of assisting education providers, school principals and staff, 
counselors, and teachers to tailor educational programs to the educational background,
 interests, abilities, and needs of the counselee. Using adequate information on counselors, 
counselors / counselors can assist teachers in treating counselees appropriately,
 both in selecting and preparing School / Madrasah materials, choosing 
methods and learning processes, as well as compiling lessons according to the ability and speed
 of the counselee.
7.Adjustment Functions, 
namely the function of guidance and counseling in helping counselees to be able 
to adjust themselves and the environment dynamically and constructively.
8.Function Improvement, 
namely the function of guidance and counseling to help the counselee 
so as to correct mistakes in thinking, feeling and acting (willing). 
Counselors intervene (give treatment) to the counselee to have a healthy thinking patterns,
 rational and have the right feeling that can lead them to the action or desire that productive and
9.Facilitation function, 
providing convenience to the counselee in achieving optimal growth and development,
 harmonious, harmonious and balanced all aspects of the counselee.
10. Maintenance Function, 
namely the function of guidance and counseling to assist the counselee in order
 to maintain themselves and maintain a conducive situation that has been created in him. 
This function facilitates the counselee to avoid the conditions that will cause a decrease 
in self-productivity. Implementation of this function is realized through programs that are interesting,
 recreative and facultative (optional) in accordance with the interests of the counselee

Guiding Principles And Counseling 
Guiding Principles and Counseling are:
Some basic principles are seen as the foundation for the service of guidance.
 These principles are derived from philosophical concepts of humanity that form 
the basis for the provision of assistance or guidance services, both in School / Madrasah
 and outside School / Madrasah. The principles are:
1.Guidance and counseling is for all counselees. 
This principle means that guidance is given to all counselees or counselees,
 both non-problematic and problematic; both men and women; both children, adolescents,
 and adults. In this case the approach used in guidance is more preventive and development 
than curative (curative); and preferably group technique rather than individual (individual).
2. Guidance and counseling as an individuation process. 
Each counselee is unique (different from each other), and through counselee assisted 
to maximize the development of its uniqueness. This principle also means that the focus 
of aid targets is the counselee, even if the counseling service uses group techniques.
3. The guidance stresses the positive. 
In reality there are still counselees who have a negative perception of guidance,
 because guidance is seen as a way of suppressing aspirations. In contrast to that view, 
counseling is actually a relief process that emphasizes strength and success,
 because coaching is a way of building a positive outlook on self, giving encouragement, 
and opportunities for growth.
4.Guidance and counseling is a joint venture. 
Guidance is not only the task or responsibility of the counselor, but also the duties of teachers
 and principals of the School / Madrasah in accordance with their respective duties and roles.
 They work as teamwork.
5. Decision Making Is Essential in Counseling and Counseling.
 Guidance is directed to assist the counselee in order to make choices and make decisions.
 Guidance has a role to provide information and advice to the counselee,
 which is all very important for him in making decisions. Counselee's life is guided by his purpose,
 and counseling facilitates the counselee to consider, adjust, 
and refine goals through appropriate decision-making. The ability to make the right 
choice is not the innate ability, but the ability to be developed. The main purpose of guidance
 is to develop the ability of the counselee to solve the problem and make decisions.
6. Guidance and counseling takes place in the various settings (scene) of life.
 The provision of guidance services does not only take place in Schools / Madrasahs, 
but also in families, companies / industries, government / private institutions, and society at large.
 The field of guidance services is also multi-aspect, which includes personal aspects, social, 
education, and employment.


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Code of Ethics BK

CODE OF ETHICS BK Code of ethics is a pattern of rules / rules / ordinances that serve  as guidelines to live the duties an...